The Pokémon Company has released a new installment in their PokéToon series. This episode is titled “Clodsire Mass Outbreak,” and you can watch it above. This episode features a trainer with a Wooper plush who comes across a Mass Outbreak of Paldean Wooper and Clodsire.

Along with this latest episode, Pokémon Co. has revealed that more PokéToon episodes are on the way. You can expect to see them appear weekly over the next 6 weeks, and they’ll be releasing on Wednesdays all the way until November 6th, 2024.

Musical artist Fukurow note is working on a song for the series, and you’ll be able to hear that track come Oct. 9th, 2024. Other artists who’ve provided music for the series include LustQueen, Daisuke Fujiwara and RUI TAIKI & KANON.

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