Back in April, narrative games publisher Fellow Traveller announced they signed Pine: A Story of Loss, a debut game from New York-based developer Made Up Games. That’s when we learned it was coming to Switch sometime in late 2024, and today we find out it’s coming sometime in Q4 2024. Hopefully an official release date isn’t far off.

Alone in the forest glade he shared with his wife, a woodworker wrangles with his grief as he tries to accept her passing. In Pine: A Story of Loss, players will help him hold on to cherished memories of their life together as he struggles to care for himself and his now-empty home.

Created by professional illustrator (Dreamworks, Nickelodeon) and children’s book author Tom Booth and Made Up Games co-founder Najati Imam, Pine: A Story of Loss is a poignant and emotional journey that tells the story of a woodworker grieving the loss of his wife. Inspired by Tom’s personal journey with grief, Pine came about when his beautiful illustration of a woodworker went viral, with audiences deeply moved and sharing overwhelming support.

Determined to bring the woodworker’s story to life, Tom and Najati transformed it into an interactive experience with stunning environments and a beautiful ambient soundtrack. Pine: A Story of Loss conveys that no one has to be alone in their grief.

[Press release]

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